The Unexpected Item on My Baby Registry as a Wellness Expert

By: Sophie Campise, founder and CEO, Ren Wellbeing

As a wellness expert, I knew that my baby registry might look a little different. Sure, it included all the organic, all-natural essentials, but there was one tech product that might surprise you: an e-reader. Here’s why this seemingly mundane gadget became a must-have on my list and why it might be the unexpected wellness hero of your postpartum journey too.

Why an E-Reader?

An e-reader, for those unfamiliar, is a digital device that allows you to read books electronically. You might wonder, why opt for a tech product instead of sticking to traditional, yummy, hardcopy books? The answer lies in an e-reader’s immense convenience and practicality factors.

Mental Health Resilience: In my postpartum journey, I found that having a book to escape into was crucial for my mental well-being. When my brain needed a break, social media scrolling often left me feeling more drained and anxious. In contrast, diving into a good book provided a much-needed mental shift without the negative impact of screen time.

Convenience is Key: As a new mom, exhaustion and shoulder pain are real challenges. An e-reader is lightweight, easy to hold, and doesn’t lose your place. Whether it’s during middle-of-the-night feedings or while your baby is napping, the convenience of an e-reader means you can always have it by your side, ready to transport you to another world easily in an instant.

The Practical Benefits

  1. No Blue Light: Unlike smartphones, e-readers like the Kindle use e-ink technology, which mimics the look of paper and doesn’t emit blue light. This makes them ideal for nighttime reading, helping you wind down and reducing the risk of disrupting your sleep patterns.

  2. Silent and Discreet: With an e-reader, there’s no need to turn on a lamp, which can disturb your partner or baby. The built-in light is gentle and allows you to read comfortably without waking anyone else.

  3. Supports Independent Play: During your child’s independent playtime, having an e-reader allows you to give your child the space they need, while also being present without the distraction of the chaos that comes with phone notifications and social media. It maintains a calm environment, benefiting both you and your child in the space you are sharing together.

The Long-Term Benefits

Even years after starting this practice, I notice a dip in my mental health when I’m between books. My social media usage creeps up, and with it, feelings of anxiety and dissatisfaction. Having an e-reader helps me stay on track, ensuring I always have a book on hand to keep my mind engaged in a healthy way.

Bonus Tip for the Expecting Mom

If you’re planning a baby shower or sprinkle, consider incorporating a fun game where guests suggest their favorite books. This can help you build a diverse and exciting e-library to get you started.

Putting an e-reader on your baby registry might seem unconventional, but it’s a game-changer for maintaining mental health during the demanding postpartum period. I a well out of the newborn phase, and my e-reader is still my #1 most unexpected mental health and wellbeing must have. It offers a perfect blend of technology and wellness, providing a simple yet effective tool for giving your mind a rest from the intensity of parenthood. So, if you don’t already have an e-reader, this is my number one unexpected recommendation for your baby registry.

And remember, you aren’t on this journey alone. You are so supported. Reach out to your support system in your postpartum journey, and if you don’t have the support you need, reach out to us at Ren Wellbeing anytime. You can contact us via email or join our Membership to connect to a community of present, supportive people and practitioners in real-time.


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