Why Affirmations Feel Fake and What to Try Instead

Affirmations often feel fake because they lack depth; they're essentially flat, 2D statements. When you say an affirmation, you're trying to will a reality into existence with words alone, but these statements often fall flat because they are just that— words without substance behind them.

The Problem with Affirmations

Affirmations are popular tools used to change our mindset and reality, aiming to help us show up differently, feel happier, or achieve certain goals. However, they often don’t work because they:

  • Lack Depth: Affirmations are surface-level statements that don’t engage with the deeper actions needed to bring about change.

  • Feel Forced: Repeating a phrase that doesn’t align with your current reality can feel inauthentic and forced, making it hard to believe in the affirmation.

  • Miss the Action: Simply stating what you want to be true doesn't provide a roadmap for how to achieve it.

Introducing Declarations

Instead of affirmations, try using declarations. Declarations bring a new level of realness, roundness, and fullness to what you're seeking to accomplish. Here's why they work better:

  • Holistic Approach: Declarations encompass not just words but the actions and steps needed to make those words a reality.

  • Action-Oriented: They open a space of possibility through words but emphasize the importance of the actions taken within that space.

  • Empowering: By focusing on what you can do and the steps you can take, declarations empower you to actively create change rather than passively wishing for it.

The Power of Declarations

Declarations shift the focus from merely stating desires to actively working towards them. This method teaches that it's not just the words that matter, but the actions you take to bring those words to life. Here's how to make declarations effective:

  • Combine Words with Actions: Pair your declarations with concrete action steps that you can take daily.

  • Stay Realistic and Authentic: Make sure your declarations are realistic and authentic to your current situation and capabilities.

  • Iterative Process: Understand that this is an ongoing process that may require you to adjust your actions and declarations over time.

Learning The Fundamentals

The Fundamentals Course breaks down the steps to make declarations work for you. It shows you the actionable steps needed to create the life you desire. These steps are likely things you’re already doing every day, but likely not very effectively. The course provides:

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Clear instructions on how to move from declaration to action.

  • Practical Exercises: Daily exercises to integrate these practices into your life.

  • Real-Life Examples: Examples of how others have successfully used declarations to create meaningful change.

Why Declarations Are a Must-Have

Switching from affirmations to declarations is a must-have because it transforms passive wishing into active creating. Whether you’re just starting out on your holistic wellbeing journey or are a seasoned veteran, declarations provide a practical, effective way to make real, lasting changes in your life. By combining the power of words with actionable steps, you can build a life that aligns with your deepest desires and true potential.

Join The Fundamentals Course today and start using declarations to create the life you want. It’s time to move beyond empty affirmations and embrace a holistic, action-oriented approach to wellbeing.


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