A Beginner’s Guide to Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful and transformative practice that combines breathwork, meditation, and physical postures to tap into inner energy and promote overall wellbeing and personal power.

Unlike traditional yoga forms like Vinyasa or Ashtanga, Kundalini Yoga focuses on working with the latent energy in the body and energy field and channeling it through the body's energy centers (chakras).

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Myth-Busting Manifestation with Carly Bonar

Manifestation is often surrounded by a sense of mysticism and misconceptions. While the idea of manifesting one's desires might sound like something out of a fantasy novel, it is, in fact, a very real and practical process that we engage in on a daily basis.

Let's debunk some of the common myths about manifestation and understand how it works in our everyday lives.

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How to Slow Down as an Entrepreneur

When I was a young entrepreneur in my 20s, I didn't have a great concept of slowing down. I was constantly on the go, working long hours without taking days off. My business came before everything—family events, holidays, social time, and sometimes even my own health and well-being.

It took me a decade of entrepreneurship, and getting pregnant with my first child, to understand that more and quicker does not always mean better for my business.

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Myth-Busting Oracle Readings with Angelica Rose

Oracle readings are a popular tool in the spiritual and healing arts, often used to gain insight, clarity, and guidance. However, there are many misconceptions about what oracle readings are and how they work.

Let's debunk some of the most common myths about oracle readings to help you understand their true purpose and potential.

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Holistic Wellbeing, Meet the Minds Ren Admin Holistic Wellbeing, Meet the Minds Ren Admin

Practitioner Spotlight: Nila Velchoff – A Beacon of Stillness and Spiritual Wisdom

Nila is not just a wellness practitioner; she is an integration specialist, energy medicine practitioner, and life coach with a unique journey that has shaped her remarkable ability to support others.

Her personal and professional path is a testament to resilience, spiritual awakening, and a deep commitment to helping intuitive and empathic individuals thrive in the modern world.

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Breaking Free from Chronic Stress Cycles with Nila Velchoff

In our fast-paced world, chronic stress has become an all-too-familiar companion for many of us. The relentless demands of daily life can trap us in cycles of stress, making it difficult to find peace and tranquility.

However, there are powerful tools that can help us break free from these cycles. Continue reading to get some powerful tips from Nila Velchoff, Ren Practitioner and integration specialist. 

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Holistic Wellbeing, Meet the Minds Ren Admin Holistic Wellbeing, Meet the Minds Ren Admin

What is Skin Mapping? A Beginner’s Guide to Holistic Skin Care

Skin mapping is a technique that allows us to delve deep into the chakra system and the inner workings of our body to uncover what’s truly happening on the surface of our skin.

Each part of our face is broken down into sections that correspond to energy channels and various organs within our body. By examining these correlations, we gain a comprehensive understanding of how to treat skin disruptions.

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Practitioner Spotlight: Leon Campise — Prioritizing Integration with Psychedelics Use

Meet Leon Campise, a dedicated facilitator of psychedelic integration circles for Ren Wellbeing.

Leon brings a unique blend of personal experience, spiritual insight, and professional expertise to his work, guiding individuals through their journeys with sacred medicines.

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The One Membership That Takes the Guesswork Out of Total Wellbeing

Total wellbeing isn't a one-size-fits-all journey. The tools that support a person in achieving holistic wellness differ from individual to individual, and even for the same person, these needs can change from season to season or chapter to chapter in life.

As our challenges evolve, so do the modalities and wellness practices that best support us.

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Navigating Guilt and Shame in Life Transitions

Life transitions are challenging, whether it's stepping into a new job, relocating, embarking on a big project, or navigating the complexities of a new relationship. Let’s explore the often debilitating emotions of guilt and shame that accompany these transitional phases and unravel the unrealistic expectations that contribute to their presence.

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