What is Skin Mapping? A Beginner’s Guide to Holistic Skin Care

By: Carly Bonar

Welcome to our beginner’s guide on Skin Mapping! I'm Carly, a holistic esthetician with nearly two decades of experience. Today, we’ll dive into the world of skin mapping—a fascinating and effective method to understand and treat your skin holistically.

What is Skin Mapping?

Skin mapping is a technique that allows us to delve deep into the chakra system and the inner workings of our body to uncover what’s truly happening on the surface of our skin. Each part of our face is broken down into sections that correspond to energy channels and various organs within our body. By examining these correlations, we gain a comprehensive understanding of how to treat skin disruptions.

How Does Skin Mapping Work?

Yes, we use a diagram or a map to illustrate this process. Each section of the face correlates with specific channels of energy and different organs. For example:

  • Cheeks: Linked to the lungs.

  • Chin and Forehead: Associated with the stomach channel.

  • Sides of the Chin: Connected to reproductive organs, such as ovulation in women.

By observing these sections, we can identify internal imbalances based on external skin conditions. This holistic approach allows us to tailor treatments that address the root causes of skin issues.

Benefits of Skin Mapping

Empowering Personal Skin Health

One of the primary benefits of skin mapping is that it empowers individuals to take control of their own skin health. Rather than relying solely on experts, you can become your own skin health expert by learning how to read and interpret your skin’s signals. This knowledge allows you to check in with your own system and make informed decisions about your skincare routine.

Addressing Root Causes

Skin mapping is particularly useful for chronic and recurring skin issues. If you notice the same area of your skin breaking out repeatedly, skin mapping can help you pinpoint the underlying internal causes.

For example, women often experience breakouts on the sides of their chin during their menstrual cycle. This area can indicate which side of the body is ovulating. By identifying these patterns, you can reflect on your habits, diet, and lifestyle choices to address the root causes of your skin conditions.

Real-World Applications of Skin Mapping

Chronic Conditions

Skin mapping is invaluable for managing chronic skin conditions. By understanding the internal factors contributing to these issues, you can make meaningful changes to your routine.

For instance, recurring congestion in the lung channel area might indicate allergies or dietary choices like dairy consumption. Recognizing these triggers allows you to make adjustments that alleviate the root cause of the problem.

Aha Moments

Skin mapping often leads to those “aha” moments where everything clicks into place. If you have persistent congestion on your lung channel, it might be time to examine your environment or dietary habits. Are your allergies acting up? Are you consuming foods that contribute to mucus buildup? These insights help you make proactive changes that reflect on your skin’s health.

Incorporating skin mapping into your skincare routine opens up a new world of holistic care. It helps you understand the deeper connections between your skin and overall health, empowering you to take charge of your well-being. Join my next Skin Mapping session in the the Ren Wellbeing app to explore a new method to enhance your skin health and live your best life.

Join Carly’s Next Skin Mapping Session with your Ren Membership

Ren Membership: You can find Carly’s sessions on the Ren Wellbeing calendar here. Your Ren Wellbeing membership gets you full access to all sessions on our calendar.


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