Unleash Your Willpower: Understanding the Importance of Desire

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves reflecting on the motivation and willpower we possessed as children and wonder, "What happened?"

Especially as young adults - transitioning from the often structured environment from school and a family home - to newfound independence, the search for self-driven willpower can become a common concern. 

Today, we explore the truth about willpower and how to train it, highlighting the vital role desire plays in activating willpower.

The Willpower Conundrum: Shifting into Autonomy

As young adults stepping into the world of independence and full autonomy, we can find ourselves suddenly lost, confused, and feeling like we are spinning. We thought that leaving home and growing up would be “THE BEST!” – but, it’s not always a smooth transition.  

The absence of external structure - that we often got school, sports teams, and our family rules - can leave us questioning things like self-direction, purpose, and where to find our willpower to get things done. 

This transition is a massive juncture in life, and understanding the roots of willpower is key to reigniting the motivation we had when our lives felt like they were more in flow.

Training Willpower: A Personal Choice

Willpower is not an elusive trait - as in, sometimes it comes if you’re lucky but when you need it you don’t know where to find it.

It is a skill that can and needs to be cultivated and trained - just like any sport or instrument or hobby. 

To start, we need to recognize that every action we take involves willpower. Whether it's pursuing a career goal, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or simply experiencing more joy in life, activating willpower is a choice we make for ourselves.

The Desire-Willpower Nexus

At the core of willpower is desire. When we struggle to accomplish something we set out to do, the very first thing to check in with is our authentic desire

Are you genuinely bought into the goal? 

Why do you want to achieve it? Authentic desire is the catalyst that activates our willpower. So the key question to ask is: Are you truly bought in?

If you aren’t, it is going to be difficult to find that willpower and motivation. 

Cultivating Authentic Desire: The Key to Willpower

To harness willpower effectively, it's crucial to cultivate authentic desire. 

Understand the why behind your goals. Whether it's a commitment to personal growth, career advancement, or well-being, being genuinely bought into your aspirations is the driving force behind sustained willpower.

Write a list of 5-10 reasons why you want to achieve the goal, and why you deserve to achieve that goal. Make a few copies of the list. And put it in your bathroom, on your fridge, on your desk. 

Refer to the list daily, not just when you aren’t feeling motivated

Activating Willpower for a Fulfilling Life

Willpower as an adult is not about following external mandates or rules or societal expectations. 

It is about choosing to pursue what aligns with your authentic desires. Activating willpower becomes a powerful act of self-determination, leading to a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.

Conclusion: Choosing Your Path with Willpower and Desire

The quest for willpower is directly linked to understanding and cultivating authentic desire. As young adults navigating a new sense of autonomy and freedom, recognizing the genuine reasons behind our goals becomes the compass that directs our willpower. 

Choose to be fully bought into your aspirations, and witness how willpower and motivation become a driving force for a life that reflects your deepest desires.


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