Meet Your Ren Practitioners

  • Sophie Campise - Ren holistic practitioner

    Sophie Campise

    Ren's founder Sophie has devoted her life to overall human performance and wellbeing. She is a certified life coach, shamanic practitioner, ontological facilitator and energy healer.

    She guides people through profound transitions and transformations through courses, coaching, and live events.

  • Nila Velchoff - Ren holistic practitioner

    Nila Velchoff

    Nila is an Integration Specialist working with creative, intuitive, sensitive, empathic people experiencing awakenings, transitions, psychedelic journeys, or significant losses.

    She draws from 30 years of experience as an energy medicine practitioner, Language of Being™ co-creator, life coach, and channeler. Nila holds a beautiful, present space for her clients to feel deeply seen and heard.

  • Connor Scallan - Ren holistic practitioner

    Connor Scallan

    Connor is a certified yoga instructor who is passionate about sharing his love for health, wellness, and movement with others. A student of Health Promotion and Human Performance, he uses his knowledge of the human body to guide his community through yoga and motion.

    Connor’s greatest joy in life is helping others cultivate stillness through movement.

  • Tara Loftis - Ren holistic practitioner

    Tara Loftis

    Tara is a graduate from Yale University, a Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher & Plant Medicine Apprentice. She has been on a healing journey for most of her adult life, working to become a better version of herself so that she may better help others.

    Tara believes that change in our world starts with each of us and that through our own healing, we can heal the world.

  • Simran Nanwani - Ren holistic practitioner

    Simran Nanwani

    Simran is a multi-faceted holistic practitioner specializing in Functional Medicine Nutrition, Biofield Energy Clearing, Access Bars, and Yoga. She is passionate about guiding individuals towards their highest state of well-being by addressing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

    With a comprehensive skill set and a compassionate approach, she strives to empower others in their quest for optimal health and inner harmony.

  • Malia Luna - Ren holistic practitioner

    Malia Luna

    Malia is a multi-media artist, energetic alchemist and healing facilitator. She has been practicing the ritual art form of sacred tattooing for the past decade, and incorporates her skills with energy healing and light language into her practice. 

    She is a certified emotion code practitioner and offers group clearings as well as one on one sessions.

  • Angelica Gonzalez - Ren holistic practitioner

    Angelica Gonzalez

    Angelica is a certified yoga instructor in power vinyasa and prenatal/postnatal vinyasa. She facilitates various styles of reiki, guided meditation, sound healings, and oracle readings.

    She creates safe spaces for others to gently observe the self and cultivates compassion that allows others to gain clarity that can propel them forward confidently on their path to their Highest Self.

  • Stephanie Hoo - Ren holistic practitioner

    Stephanie Hoo

    Stephanie is the founder of A Gracious Life and is trained in Clinical & Metaphysical Aromatherapy, Qigong, Lifestyle Medicine, Integrative Nutrition, Bioqr™️ Therapy, Singing Bowl Therapy, restorative bodywork, among others.

    She creates personalized holistic wellness solutions to help clients overcome their health challenges and hosts signature wellness retreats to guide others on a transformative journey towards their optimal health and vitality.

  • Leon Campise - Ren holistic practitioner

    Leon Campise

    Leon has facilitated sacred medicine journeys and integration circles since 2016 utilizing a tradition for deep healing.

    He draws on a path received through his own profound healing journey with sacred medicines in combination with divinely inspired bodies of work offering freedom from conditioned behavior and opening to unseen possibilities.

  • Aislinn Kerchaert - Ren holistic practitioner

    Aislinn Kerchaert

    Aislinn Kerchaert is an Initiated Kontomblé Voice Diviner, Artist, Poet, and Healer. She is trained as an Access Bars Facilitator, Reiki Master, Kontomblé Voice Diviner and more. She has also been trained in the Language of Being.

    Over the years, her work with Spirit, Ancestral Healing, Earth-Based Ritual, and Energy Medicine has reached an international community.

  • Carly Bonar - Ren holistic practitioner

    Carly Bonar

    Carly is passionate about working with people on the path of trauma release and transformation through blended offerings, sacred medicine journeys, and integration sessions to encourage stillness, harmony, and joyful living.

    She is a Shamanic Practitioner, Intuitive Counselor, Holistic Esthetician, and student of ontology with certifications in various healing modalities to support wellbeing.

  • Renee Kathryn - Ren holistic practitioner

    Renee Kathryn

    Qualified in Hypnotherapy, Breathwork, Human Design, Yoga and a Reiki Master, Renee blends together a range of skills to offer teachings that are practical and digestible.

    She cultivates the synergy that is needed to restore your body, mind and heart back to its optimal state for vitality and growth.

  • Lani Antoninia - Ren holistic practitioner

    Lani Antoninia

    Lani is a worldschooling mother, reiki master, angel intuitive, sound ceremonialist, ecstatic dancer and teacher. Her life’s work of energy healing and mentorship is devoted to creating conscious family culture, rewriting generational patterns, designing a life of simplicity and freedom.

    Lani empowers you with divine guidance and energy healing tools to restore harmony to lead a heart aligned and fully integrated life experience.

  • Sky Hardison - Ren holistic practitioner

    Sky Hardison

    Sky Hardison is a Reiki Master, Cacao Facilitator, and Intuitive. Having worked for the past 7 years as an Energy practitioner in Los Angeles, CA, Sky was recently guided to move to New Orleans and share her spiritual gifts.

    Her mission is to guide humanity through healing as we awaken and ride the cosmic waves into the new earth.

  • Jill Catanzarite - Ren holistic practitioner

    Jill Catanzarite

    Jill is an astrologer, crystal enthusiast, Reiki Master, herbalist and intuitive healer. Weaving the web between these modalities, Jill can access the healing in our birth charts.

    She is primed to show people how the wisdom of the stars and earth can support them on journey of life.

  • Julia Stephens - Ren holistic practitioner

    Julia Stephens

    Julia is a certified nutritional therapy practitioner that takes an integrative approach to wellness. She believes in addressing the underlying root cause of symptoms and ailments.

    She customizes guidance on nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle changes to support the foundation of clients’ wellbeing - addressing the mind, body, and spirit.

  • Sarah Lindstedt - Ren holistic practitioner

    Sarah Lindstedt

    Sarah is a certified yoga instructor, Reiki Master, and intuitive healer. She is passionate about guiding students to find their center and quiet space within. She believes that accessing these still spaces through a consistent practice allows transformation to occur and for clarity to reveal our highest path.

    She is also an artist and painter and often includes elements of color therapy in her offerings.