How to Slow Down as an Entrepreneur

By: Sophie Campise, founder and CEO, Ren Wellbeing

When I was a young entrepreneur in my 20s, I didn't have a great concept of slowing down. I was constantly on the go, working long hours without taking days off. My business came before everything—family events, holidays, social time, and sometimes even my own health and well-being.

It took me a decade of entrepreneurship, and getting pregnant with my first child, to understand that more and quicker does not always mean better for my business.

The Importance of Timing

One piece of wisdom that helped guide me to this “aha” came from the founder of podcast platform Wondery, Hernan Lopez, who said, "Being late is not good, but being too soon is not good either."

Timing in entrepreneurship is everything. Working tirelessly to get something out sooner doesn’t necessarily lead to success.

The Pregnancy Metaphor

My experience taught me to view business growth through the metaphor of pregnancy. Just as a baby that comes out too soon can face significant challenges, a business rushed into growth can suffer as well.

A business, like a baby, needs adequate time to develop properly. Burnout and inadequate nourishment can harm both a premature baby and a prematurely expanded business.

Nourishment and Patience

For me, the key to slowing down as an entrepreneur was understanding that sooner is not always better. There is such a thing as too soon.

It’s essential to nourish your business, listen to what it needs, and give it the time and space to grow naturally.

Your business has its own wisdom, much like a child growing in the womb. It needs attention, energy, and proper care, but doing “more” all the time isn’t always the answer.

Embrace Stillness and Intuition

Use wisdom and intuition to guide your business decisions. Find stillness and spaciousness in your daily wellness routine to truly understand what your business is asking for.

This approach allows you to be present with your business and respond to its needs more effectively.

Slowing down as an entrepreneur can mean recognizing that more is not always better, and that sooner is not always better.

Just as a baby born too soon can face difficulties, a business pushed to grow too quickly can struggle and miss the mark. Embrace patience, nourishment, and intuition in your entrepreneurial journey.

Allow your business the time it needs to develop and thrive, avoiding the pitfalls of burnout and inadequate growth. By doing so, you’ll create a sustainable and successful business that can endure through time.

I know that entrepreneurship can feel lonely. But you aren’t on this journey alone. Reach out to your mentors and support system in your entrepreneurship journey. And if you don’t have the support you need, join me for our next Visionaries & Entrepreneurship session, where we connect, troubleshoot, and talk through all things entrepreneurship and how to stay well on the journey. Check the Ren Calendar for our next session or join our Membership to expand your support system. —Sophie


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