The Secret to Fulfilling New Year's Resolutions

Have you ever felt frustrated because your New Year's resolutions never seem to work out? Or you start off strong, but next thing you know, you got totally off track.

In this article, we explore the secret behind effective resolutions and how you can ensure success in the future.

Understanding Declarations and Goals

New Year's resolutions are what we call Declarations. They create a goal and provide a container for that goal. 

However, here's the catch – merely declaring a resolution doesn't guarantee its success. 

Declarations open up the space and possibility for some type of accomplishment or change, but they are not the driving force behind the accomplishment (aka your New Year’s Resolution).

The Missing Piece: Taking Action

The key to successful resolutions lies in the actions that follow the spoken declaration of what the resolution is. 

How do you take action? In The Fundamentals, we teach about the Speech Acts. The Speech Acts are the #1 way to be confident and efficient with the action you take. 

The Speech Acts take the unknown out of taking action and accomplishing goals. What are they? Requests, Promises, Offers, and Declarations. 

Declaring a resolution is like opening a door of possibilities, but it's the subsequent actions (Requests, Promises, Offers, and maintaining the Declaration) that lead to actual results. It's not enough to set a goal; you need to take consistent and effective actions to make it a reality.

Why Resolutions Fail

Failed resolutions happen when the necessary actions are not taken. 

OR.. we got off to a good start, but then stray from the course. 

Imagine declaring a resolution without following through with the required steps – it's like building a foundation without constructing the rest of the house. Eventually, the goal you set dissolves.

Making Lasting Change in Your Life

If you're ready to make meaningful and long-lasting changes in your life through resolutions, it's crucial to focus on the action piece

Declarations are great catalysts to start off of accomplishing a goal, but they need to be supported and followed up with effective action.

Join Us to Solve Your Biggest Problems

For those seeking guidance on how to turn New Year’s resolutions and goals into tangible results, consider taking The Fundamentals course. You will be given a road map for how to take action and you will see how to dive deeper into the strategies and practices that will empower you to make lasting changes in your life.

Learn More About The Fundamentals Here

Remember, setting goals and resolutions is not useless; they're powerful tools when coupled with intentional and persistent actions.

Make 2024 different by understanding the dynamics behind resolutions and taking the necessary steps to turn your goals into reality.


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