Practitioner Spotlight: Nila Velchoff – A Beacon of Stillness and Spiritual Wisdom

In the ever-busy and often chaotic world we live in, finding moments of Stillness and spiritual clarity can be a challenge. The search for inner peace and purpose can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, practitioners like Nila Velchoff offer a guiding light on this journey, bringing wisdom and healing to anyone seeking to navigate life's complexities.

Nila is not just a wellness practitioner; she is an integration specialist, energy medicine practitioner, and life coach with a unique journey that has shaped her remarkable ability to support others.

Her personal and professional path is a testament to resilience, spiritual awakening, and a deep commitment to helping intuitive and empathic individuals thrive in the modern world.

A Journey of Awakening and Healing

Nila’s spiritual journey began at a young age with several awakenings that paved the way for her future as a healer and coach. However, it was the tragic loss of her only child in 2013 that truly transformed her practice.

Through deep grief, she found an unexpected gift: the ability to channel her son – Seth Orion – for long-distance energy healing and readings. This profound connection has not only helped her navigate her own path but has also allowed her to offer transformative healing to others.

Nila’s work transitioned from a traditional coaching practice to a focus on energy healing and channeling, providing clients with a unique blend of spiritual guidance and practical support. Her sessions are designed to bring about a state of deep Stillness and relaxation, essential for healing and total wellbeing in today’s fast-paced world.

Embracing Stillness and Insight

One of Nila’s standout offerings on Ren Wellbeing is her Energy Healing session focused on Stillness. This session aims to help clients achieve a deep state of relaxation … it is a meditation done for people. 

In a world inundated with constant digital interaction and stress, finding deep peace is crucial. Nila’s sessions drop people’s nervous systems into parasympathetic mode, where true healing and regeneration occur. Her sessions act as a bridge to this state, promoting internal peace and calm that are fundamental for health and total wellbeing.

Transforming Lives Through Spiritual Guidance

Another intriguing aspect of Nila’s practice is her work with the Golden Mushroom Council (GMC), and her Ren session Conversations with the GMC. Introduced to her a year ago, the GMC provides wisdom, healing, and soul readings, offering people insights into their life purpose and the global dynamics affecting life in the modern world. 

The Council’s unique, sometimes snarky yet loving energy adds a distinct flavor to Nila’s sessions, making them not only insightful but also deeply personal and engaging.

Nila’s work with the GMC and her energy healing sessions are more than just services; they are lifelines for those seeking deeper understanding and connection on their life journey. The insights provided by the GMC help clients see the bigger picture, aligning them with their spiritual essence and offering reassurance during challenging times, and her ability to channel these messages with clarity and compassion makes her a standout practitioner in the field of spiritual wellness.

Work with Nila

Nila’s work is a beacon of light for anyone looking to find Stillness and spiritual clarity. Her unique blend of groundedness, energy healing, and channeling provides a highly effective approach to wellbeing, making her an invaluable asset to the Ren Wellbeing community.

  • Ren Membership: You can find Nila’s sessions on the Ren Wellbeing calendar here. Your Ren Wellbeing membership gets you full access to all sessions on our calendar.

  • Meet the Minds Interview: To learn more about Nila and her journey to becoming a wellness practitioner, watch her full Meet the Minds episode here.

  • Book a Session: You can book a one-on-one session with Nila via the Ren Wellbeing app. 

By embracing the wisdom and healing offered by practitioners like Nila, we can all take steps towards a more peaceful, centered, and aligned life. 


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